How To Use This Web Diary

In order to view this web book you need to install a very small file DNL Reader.

To save this web book diary in your computer and use it off line, right click on the book and select the "Save As" feature from the popup MENU. Remember where you have saved it. It is easy to find it later if you had saved it in the Desktop folder. Then click on it and use the Planner off line. You may review and test  the other available book features shown in the MENU, as well.

To turn next or previous page click on the right or left side of the book. Note that there are active links, such as dates, months, etc. on the pages and clicking on them you will open the link destination page, not the next or previous page. In other words, if you want just to browse the book forwards or backwards simply choose a link-free spot on the left or right side of the book to click on.

To quickly find and open a page that interests you click on active links shown on the book.  Also, the Index is always a good starting page. You can reach the Index by clicking on    link.

How To Write Your Notes

Click on  to activate edit mode and type your notes into the diary fields.
Click on  to preview the edited content.
Click on  to save the edited content.
To continue browsing the book you have to switch to  mode.

If you want to separate the planner from the background click on "Detach" option from MENU.

If you'd like to send the planner to your friends by email click on "Email" feature from the MENU or just send your friends the web page address where the Planner is located.